Me he tomado la tarea de revisar la lista de paquetes (2784 paquetes!!) que actualmente se pueden utilizar en R y ser descargados por CRAN.
Los paquetes que les muestro en esta lista son básicos y pueden ser utilizados en muchos ámbitos y en muchas disciplinas..Pero como mi formación esta interesada en la biología, también liste los paquetes que considero podrían llegar a ser de interés para muchos biólogos y estudiantes...
Areal Interpolation for GIS data
CShapes Dataset and Utilities
Spatial modelling for distance sampling data
ArcGIS Geoprocessing in R via Python
Anderson-Moore Algorithm
Algorithmic Experimental Design
CGI Programming in R
Design Patterns in R to build reusable object-oriented software
Various R programming tools
The java ncbi interface to R
R/GNU Linear Programming Kit Interface
Functions and Datasets for "Introduction to Scientific Programming and Simulation Using R"
The Analysis of Biological Data
A collection of statistical tools for biologists
Provides data sets for Introduction to Statistical Data Analysis for the Life Sciences
An R package for biostatistics, public policy, and law
Statistical Methods for Quality Science
Combine multi-dimensional arrays
Tools for microarray data analysis
csv import, csv export, garbage collection,string matching and passing by reference
A Handbook of Statistical Analyses Using R (2nd Edition)
Mailmerge using R, LaTeX, and the Web
Mapping dependencies among R packages
Integration of R and Excel, (use R in Excel, read/write XLS files)
R Commander
Graphically export output to LaTeX or HTML
R to LaTeX and HTML
relax – R Editor for Literate Analysis and lateX
Generate LaTeX tables of descriptive statistics
send email from inside R
Export tables to LaTeX or HTML
Tools for testing and improving accuracy of statistical results
Another Multidimensional Analysis Package
Simple and Canonical Correspondence Analysis
Basic Statistics and Data Analysis
Significance Tests for Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA)
Generalized Canonical Discriminant Analysis
Canonical Non-symmetrical Correspondence Analysis in R
Permutation Tests of Correlation with Repeated Measurements
Conditionally Specified Logistic Regression
Functions useful in the design and ANOVA of experiments
Descriptive statistics
Nonparametric Analysis of Covariance
Fifty-fifty MANOVA
Tools for Multivariate Nonparametrics
Introduction to Probability and Statistics Using R
Introductory Statistics with R
Inference in Logistic Regression
Lassoed principal components for testing significance of features
Generalized Shapiro-Wilk test for multivariate normality
Tests for Normality
Tools for evaluating collinearity
Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap Resampling
Using GUIs to help teach statistics to non-statistics students
Analysis of Ecological Data : Exploratory and Euclidean methods in Environmental sciences
ade4 Tcl/Tk Graphical User Interface
Analysis of habitat selection by animals
Analogue and weighted averaging methods for palaeoecology
Analysis of Overdispersed Data
Brownian bridge movement model for estimating the movement path of an animal using discrete
location data
Biodemography functions
GUI for biodiversity and community ecology analysis
Predict environmental conditions from biological observations
Analyze biotic homogenization of landscapes
Forecasting mortality, fertility, migration and population data
Species distribution modeling
Dispersion models
R Package for Ecological Inference in 2x2 Tables
Dissimilarity-based functions for ecological analysis
"A practical guide to ecological modelling - using R as a simulation platform"
Ecological regression using aggregate and individual data
Palaeoecological and Palaeogeographical Analysis Tools
Ordination and Multivariate Analysis for Ecology
Multivariate Data Handling in Ecology and Biogeography
Analysis of Mark-Recapture data
statistical methods for analysing multivariate abundance data
Paleoecological Analysis
Package for Analysis of Space-Time Ecological Series
Data analysis in ecology
Functions and data for the forthcoming, A Primer of Ecology with R
R x C Ecological Inference With Optional Incorporation of Survey Information
A package for easy generation of biodiversity (species richness) or life-history traits maps using species geographical ranges
Species Distribution Modelling Tools: Tools for processing data associated with species distribution modelling exercises
A Program to Estimate Animal Abundance and Density using Spatially-Explicit Capture-Recapture
Statistical Analysis for Environmental Data
Models and Data Sets for the Study of Species-Area Relationships
Simultaneous Confidence Intervals and Adjusted p–values for Diversity Indices
Simulation of ecological (and other) dynamic systems
SPecies Association Analysis
Interface between GRASS 6+ geographical information system and R
Community Ecology Package
adegenet: a R package for the multivariate analysis of genetic markers
A fast, unbiased and exact allelic exact test
Causal Genetic Analysis
Change point detection in genomic sequences
Data Sets and Functions, for demonstrations with expression arrays and gene sequences
Data Sets and Functions, supplementary to DAAG
Gene by Environment Interaction and Conditional Gene Tests for Nuclear Families
Gene set analysis
Identification of Periodically Expressed Genes
Simulation and analysis of spatial structure of population genetics data
Detection of structure from multilocus genetic data
Population Genetics
Plot publication-grade gene and genome maps
Statistical Analysis Tools for High Dimension Molecular Data (HDMD)
Bayesian investigation of Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium via estimation and testing
Objective Bayesian Testing for the Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium Problem
Graphical tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Identifying functional polymorphisms in genetic association studies
Spatially explicit population genetic simulations
Exact tests for Linkage Disequilibrium and Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium
Detect gene-gene interactions using multifactor dimensionality reduction
Software for constructing genetic maps in outcrossing species
Functions to facilitate power and sensitivity analyses for genetic studies of natrual popualtions
Population and Evolutionary Genetics Analysis System
Statistical and Population Genetics
Tools for mapping of quantitative traits of genetically related individuals
An individual-based population genetic simulation environment
Simulation and visualization of restriction enzyme cutting pattern from DNA sequences
adephylo: exploratory analyses for the phylogenetic comparative method
Analyses of Phylogenetic Treeshape
Analyses of Phylogenetics and Evolution
Explore life histories
Distance Between Phylogenetic Histories
diversitree: comparative phylogenetic tests of diversification
methods for analyzing introgression between divergent lineages
Likelihood Analysis of Speciation/Extinction Rates from Phylogenies
Mapping Transitions in Continuous Character Evolution
Modeling evolution in paleontological time-series
Classification using biological pathways as prior knowledge
Phylogenetic analysis in R
Basic functions for phylogenetic analysis
Phylogenetic Clustering (Phyloclustering)
Base package for phylogenetic structures and comparative data
Integrating phylogenetics and climatic niche modelling
R packge for simulating biological sequence evolution
Phylogenetic tools for ecologists
R tools for integrating phylogenies and ecology
Modelling and analysis of real-time PCR data
Biological Sequences Retrieval and Analysis
Statistical shape analysis
Estimating diversification rate changes and mass extinction events in phylogenies
Simulating trees under the birth-death model
Treemap visualization
Methods for Tree-based Local Adaptive Thresholding
Spatial analysis of animal track data
Miscellaneous plotting and utility functions
Interactive Biplots in R
GUI for Basic image operations
Biplot of Multivariate Data Based on Principal Components Analysis
R graphics device using cairo graphics library for creating high-quality bitmap (PNG, JPEG, TIFF), vector (PDF, SVG, PostScript) and display (X11 and Win32) output
Plot a correlogram
Data Analysis And Graphics data and functions
Graphic Extensions for Categorical Data
iPlots - interactive graphics for R
Plot a genome scan
Data and Functions from the book R Graphics
3D Scatter Plot
Functions for plotting graphical shapes, colors
La primera es que debo presentar disculpas por presentar información corta de cada paquete en ingles (ya que pues, el blog se llama "R para chibchombianos" y se supone debería escribir o explicar la mayoría de cosas en español, para la gente que no es muy afín con el ingles), pero es que el problema es que eran demasiados paquetes como uds pueden observar. De todos modos, no esta tan difícil entender la descripción de cada paquete y espero les guste.
Lo segundo es que quisiera felicitar a dos grandes amigas (SUSY ECHEVERRIA LONDOÑO Y ADRIANA MARCELA MORALES GUERRERO) por su nuevo articulo de divulgación científica titulado " cuantos somos y como no cuantificamos?" publicado en la revista- evolución, historia de la vida- de la Asociación colombiana para el avance de la ciencias. Este trabajo tiene como tema principal los métodos de delimitación de especie y fue publicado en conjunto con DANIEL RAFAEL MIRANDA ESQUIVEL a quien también expreso mis felicitaciones...
Espero les guste este post y el articulo mencionado..
hasta la próxima.....